India Today, in its latest issue has ranked 50 most powerful people of our country. If we go by the list which includes mostly the industrialist, rich and famous we can easily say that the most powerful people in the country are those people who have the money. The list is headed by Mr. Ratan Tata, he is followed by people like Mukesh Ambani, Anil Ambani, Amitabh Bachhan, Subrot Roy Sahara, Azeem Premji, Narayanmurti…… and so on. What does this indicate ? Money is the power.

The only noticeable exception in this list is Aruna Roy, the activist who raised her voice for the accountablility of governement departments and demanded accounts for every penny of public spend by the governement.

We are gradually entering into an era, where money is gaining importance. Its very difficult to find the academecians and intellectual in the list and those people who are there in the list, I doubt they have made it to the list on the basis of sheer academic, intellectual or other factors, the deciding factor is always, the money.

When this kind of the list is projected by the mass media, the younger generation are not to be blamed for hankering after money.The success means now money, if you are not earning much, you are not successful.

The reason that many people are looking for higher paying jobs or make-me-rich-quickly-businesses, is not that they need that a lot of money to sustain thier life or they need all kind of luxuries. They want to be recognised as successful. And money is now the only indicator of your success.